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Renal & Oxalate (RID)

Trovet Renal & Oxalate Diet (RID) contains a limited quantity of high-grade proteins, which puts less strain on the kidneys of your cat but also helps slow down any further decrease in kidney function.

The levels of minerals and vitamins have also been adapted to meet the changed needs for cats with lower levels of renal activity.

Please seek veterinary advice before purchasing these special diets.


Renal & Oxalate (RID) - 500g £5.75
Renal & Oxalate (RID) - 3kg £26.45 Temporarily Out of Stock

Renal & Oxalate (RID)

Trovet Renal & Oxalate Diet (RID) contains a limited quantity of high-grade proteins, which puts less strain on the kidneys of your dog but also helps slow down any further decrease in kidney function.

The levels of minerals and vitamins have also been adapted to meet the changed needs for dogs with lower levels of renal activity.

Please seek veterinary advice before purchasing these special diets.


Renal & Oxalate (RID) - 3kg £17.45
Renal & Oxalate (RID) - 12.5kg £59.95