Arden Grange Treats

Arden Grange Crunchy Bites are a really tasty treat that dogs can eat between meals without ruining their appetites.

Crunchy Bites are hypoallergenic and free from wheat gluten, dairy products, beef and soya.

They contain no artificial colourings, flavourings or preservatives.

Dental Sticks - 7 sticks (180g) £2.99

Trovet Treats

Trovet has developed a range of special treats as everyone wants to reward their dog, even when they are eating a special diet.

These treats are designed to support dietary food, unlike most treats, which can have an opposite effect.


Rabbit Ears Hypoallergenic Treats (HRT) 100g - Canine Save £1.12 £6.33
Venison Hypoallergenic Tendon Treats (HVT) 200g - Canine Save £2.85 £11.40
Horse Hypoallergenic Treats (HHT) 250g - Canine Save £2.59 £10.36
Lamb Hypoallergenic Treats (HLT) 250g - Canine £11.45
Venison Hypoallergenic Treats (HVT) 250g - Canine £11.95
Rabbit Hypoallergenic Treats (HRT) 250g - Canine £12.45
Ostrich Hypoallergenic Treats (HOT) 150g - Canine Save £2.39 £9.56
Duck Hypoallergenic Treats (HDT) 250g - Canine Save £2.39 £9.56
Multi Purpose Hydrolysed Treats (MHT) 400g - Canine £6.95 Temporarily Out of Stock

Trovet Treats

Trovet has developed a range of special treats as everyone wants to reward their cat, even when they are eating a special diet.

These treats are designed to support dietary food, unlike most treats, which can have an opposite effect.


Multi Purpose Treat - Feline £2.85